

The 8th WSCE is to be held in Shen Zhen, China during November 07-09, 2025.
Below enclose the brief schedule for your reference.

November 07, 2025

9:00-17:00: Sign in onsite and test online


November 08, 2025

9:00-9:05: Opening Remarks
9:05-9:50: Keynote Speech I
9:50-10:35: Keynote Speech II
10: 35-11:00: Group Photo and Coffee Break
11:00-11:45: Keynote Speech III
11:45-12:30: Keynote Speech IV
12:30-13:30: Lunch
13:30-14:10: Parallel Sessions
14:10-14:15: Break
14:15-16:00: Parallel Sessions
16:00-16:15: Coffee break
16:15-18:00: Parallel Sessions

November 09, 2025

09:00-10:30: Parallel Sessions
10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-11:30: Poster Session
11:30- 13:30: Lunch

Gentle reminder

Please take care of your valuable articles and don't place them in the conference rooms or other public place to prevent from being lost.
Please don't throw your name card away when you don't need it, just return it to the registration table.

Attendee Instructions




  • 1. The whole conference program is scheduled in Japanese Time.
  • 2. Please double check your Presentation Time, and adjust times to devices time zone.
  • 3. English will be the only language used for presentation;
  • 4. Sept. 28: for ZOOM Test (online participants) and onsite registration and materials collection (onsite participants),
  • 5. Sept. 29: Opening Remarks, Welcome Address, Keynote &Invite Speeches, onsite sessions,
  • 6. Sept. 30: Online Sessions.
  • 7. Each Keynote Speech is within 40Mins, and each Invite Speech is within 20Mins.
  • 8. Each oral presentation is allocated with 15Mins (10~12Mins presentation, 3~5Mins for Q&A), please prepare your English PPT in advance.
  • 9. Group Photo section will be at the morning break time on Sept. 28, and there will be group photo time at the end of each session.
  • 10. One Best Presentation will be chosen from each session and announced at the dinner on Sept. 29 and after the online session on Sept. 30.
  • 11. Receipts will be emailed after the conference.
  • 12. Formal dresses.


  • 1. Enter the Session room and meet your Session Chair in advance before the session starts. Try connecting LED projector to check your slides on the screen.
  • 2. The registration desk will be open on Sept. 28 afternoon (14:00-17:00), you will be free to register and collect materials at either time.
  • 3. Session room will be equipped LED Projector (HDMI interface) and laser pointer. Please use your own laptop. To avoid time consuming it is suggested to try to connect it and try in advance.
  • 4. Please install Zoom App in your computer, to log in at your session and share your onsite presentation to online participants.


  • 1. Computer with working camera and audio system;
  • 2. Stable Internet Connection (wired connection is preferable);
  • 3. Quite place with proper lighting;
  • 4. Unnecessary applications are shut down on your computer so all resources are allocated to the Zoom Meeting;
  • 5. Renameyourself with Session Number +Paper ID+Name, (eg. S1+N001+Lily LI), before entering meeting room.
  • 6. If you are Conference Chair, Keynote & Invite Speaker or Session Chair, please rename yourself with CC +Name, or KN/IS +Name, or SC +Name.
  • 7. Enter 15 Mins prior to your session in ZOOM, you cannot connect the meeting until “host“ starting it.
  • 8. Sept. 28 will be the TEST DAY, to help delegates know better how to use ZOOM, like: A/V System checking, Try to Share Screen; Rename yourself.
  • 9. Certificates will be emailed after the conference.


Zoom Tool
  • The online conference will utilize Zoom video conferencing.
    1. You could locate the session which you plan to attend and click on the “Zoom link”, no password;
    2. Install Zoom App on your computer, “Join a Meeting” by inserting the meeting room ID. (Download from or